Cora Viola
[Foster] and George
Leo Dean
- Cora [1884- 1949] was born at Doniphan NE moving with parents,
Adelaide and O. B. Foster, to Ansley NE. Summer of 1894 she travelled
to the Trans Mississippi Exposition in Omaha and brought back
a glass mommento that she treasured. She attended Nebraska Wesleyen
University in Lincoln NE majoring in Elocution graduating in
June 1907. She was a school teacher, actress and producer of
highschool and community theater programs. Married Leo Dean [1882-1965]
in October 1907 in Broken Bow NE. She was active in social affairs
and was secretary of the Broken Bow Womens Club in 1943 according
to an article in the Nebraska State Journal newspaper,
and honored as a past president in 1934 per The Lincoln Star.
- Cora at Wesleyen, c 1905
- Leo was born in Memphis MO, but moved to Broken Bow the next
year. Lare Dean died when Leo was only 11, and the family was
in some financial hardship. His older brother Frank while only
18 was already married. Leo became a barber and his sisters Lottie
and Myrtle worked as dressmakers to keep the household going.
Later he delivered rural mail [as shown on his 1918 draft card]
and milked jersey cows selling the cream on his route. Doing
this he was able to put his three children through college and
provide for his retirement.
- Leo was always in the shadaow of father-in-law, O. B. Foster
who was a Civil War veteran and active in the GAR. Leo could
never be in the GAR, but he did serve as an officer in the Nebraska
Guard. The new training center was Camp
Funston, built in 1917 in the vicinity of Ft Riley KS as
part of the build up for the Great War. Leo spent some time there
but was not activated for overseas duty. I received my commission
in the US Army at Camp Funston in July of 1970, and the barracks
were every bit of 50 years old. My grandsons Christopher and
Johnathon lived only a couple miles away from Camp Funston at
the even older community of Ogden KS. Here is picture of mail
delivery at Camp Funston in 1918, by Army mule and wagon. The
Wyoming Guard trained with mule and wagon until 1939!
- Speaking of mail, below is a one-cent postcard Leo sent home
from the Nebraska Guard summer camp at Ashland NE. Sent to his
wife in care of his father-in-law O.B Foster at Ansley NE. Mailed
August 11, 1908, he wrote "This shows the boys out shooting.
Have not been in the river yet. I expect I will be home Sunday
next, write me. Lieutenent Leo Dean, Company M, 1st Regiment"
The picture on the flip side was of the rifle firing range. The
reference to the Platte River sounds more like hazing than recreation.
- His social endeavors included participation in the KKK (Klu
Klux Klan). The Klan had no "colored folks" to deal
with in Nebraska so they changed the focus in Broken Bow to be
anti-Catholic. We know of Leo's participation in the secret Klan
because one day they put on their robe regalia and harassed children
coming from school. My aunt Marge was in High School then, and
besides being frightened by the white spectres, she saw her dad's
distinctive kangaroo leather shoes. Yes they were that unique
(O.J. Simpson take note). The Klan did the ritual cross burnings
on the lawns of Catholic families. It might be noted that Leo's
older brother Frank Lee was Catholic and was buried at the St
Joseph Catholic Cemetery along with his wife Susie. On a more
positive note, his character was probably refined by his membership
in the Mason Lodge.
- Leo and Cora Dean
- 3 Children Ozro Foster Dean [1909-1992],
Marjorie Helen [Dean] Rockwell [1913-1990]
and Mary Catherine [Dean] Mayo
[1916 - 1995].
- The Dean family picnic c 1956. From front, then clockwise
around table-
- Joan Rockwell, Medy Mayo, Marge Rockwell, Mary Mayo,
Dave Rockwell, Ozro Dean, Marvin Mayo, Jerry Rockwell, Donald
Dean, Mabel Dean, Coralee Mayo and last me (Larry Dean).
- The cars from front, Nash Rambler (Mayo), Studebaker
Champion (Rockwell), Ford Station Wagon (Dean)
- Leo later remarried to Lillian
[Snyder] Waxham who previously was the wife of Herbert
H. Waxham, and a cousin of Cora. Leo was ever the sporting man,
puffing on a cigar and drinking. I can remember there was always
a stack of poker chips at the ready sitting in his basement,
(every house in Nebraska has a basement and that is always where
visiting children sleep when they aren't searching for buried
treasures). He would bring the grandchildren silver dollar cartwheels
from his trips to Sparks Nevada as a sample of his winnings.
His rural mail delivery route yielded a fine collection of indian
head pennies, of which I was given a set. The Nugget in Sparks
was first opened in 1955 and its key to success was to offer
free parking and after 50 years later it still does.
- "With family it was canasta. He was fierce at cards.
Always played to win. One night when he and Lillian were playing
cards he got mad at the way she played her hand and blew up at
her in front of company. Lillian was furious and that was when
she left and went back to Oregon. It took him a few years to
have the guts to apologize, but eventually he did and he went
back to Oregon and brought her back. It was a good thing he did
because she had to take care of him for the rest of his life
as he was bedridden." - Joan Brannigan
- Leo and Lillian Dean