Betsy [Blanding] and Alonzo Foster
- Betsy [1814 -1896] from Silver Springs, New York, died in
New London, Henry County, IA.
Betsy Blanding c1890
- Alonzo was born in Barnard Township, Winsor County Vermont
[1817-1890] in Kalamzoo for 1840 census, also died in New London
- Children born in Kalamazoo, Michigan, were -
- Ozro Blanding Foster [1841-1933]
- Aurilla M. [1844],
- then in La Porte, Indiana, were -
- Adelade Caroline [1847],
- Orlando Horace [1849]
- Eveline [1854-1855]
- Marcia [1856].
- Moved to La Porte IN in late 1844 and were counted there
for the 1850 census. Moved to North Liberty, St Joseph County
Indiana for 1860 census. Paid federal taxes in New London IA
of $10 for owning a Stallion. The 1870 census has the family
united at New London, Iowa, including -
- Betsy 53 and Alonso 53 with Aurilla 26 and Marcia 14
- Adelaide 28 and Ozro 29 with William H 3
- (Mary) Elizabeth [Wright] 21 and Orlando H 21
- and in Des Moines County IA we have -
- Caroline 56 and Lionel 57 [brother of Alonzo], Mary M. 26,
Theopolis H 22, William P 19, and Emma 17
- By 1880 Orvilla [Aurilla] was still at home with Betsy and
Alonzo but the rest of the family had moved on. In 1886 she finally
married, to Eli W. Bradford [1837] in New London. Later Orvilla
is living with OB in 1920 at Ansely NE and widowed. Judging from
just these 2 photos, she favored the appearance of her mother.
Orvilla [Aurilla Foster] Bradford
- In 1880 Marcia (or Marshe) was married Ludlow and widowed,
living with Betsy and Alonzo with children
- Ray Ludlow (1875) was still with Alonzo at New London for
the 1885 census.
- Nina Ludlow (1877)
- Family tradition is Nina was raised in O. B.'s household
and was with cousin Alonzo in 1900 census and later married Wilson
Alfred Wentworth (1876-1941). The Wentworth families were in
Ansley in 1900 moving to Oklahoma prior to 1905. Wilson was working
in Lincoln in 1900 and 1901. Children-
- Grace Mildred (1903)
- Mary Alice (1905)
- Olive Ray (1907)
- Milton Frank (1909-1988)
- Pauline Marie (1915)
Adelaide Victoria [Waxham] and Ozro Blanding Foster
- Adelaide [1842-1909] married the returning Civil War veteran
in 1866 and died in 1909. 7 children,
- William Herbert Foster [1867 Iowa-1942 married Nancy
Belle Hayse],
- Gertrude Ann Brewer [1870 Iowa-1893 married Thomas Byron
Brewer [1869 IA], childhood friend from Doniphan],
- Ernest Alonzo Foster [1873 St Johns, Missouri-1967
married Clara Leota Welch],
- Harry Albert Foster [1875-1876 Missouri],
- Lillie May Foster [1877-1879 Iowa],
- Ida Jane Porter [1880-1971 Doniphan, Nebraska married
George E. Porter],
- Cora Viola Dean [1884
Doniphan, Nebraska married George Leo Dean]
- The complete story of Adelaide and Ozro
Blanding Foster, from Kalamazoo to Broken Bow.
Mary Elizabeth [Wright] and Orlando Horace
- Mary [1848] born Iowa, father was from England, mother Illinois.
2 Daughters and son, all born in Iowa-
- Bertha [1871]
- Jesse [1877]
- [Ross] Henry [1882]
- 1870 New London, Henry County, Iowa
- 1880 Elm Grove, Louisa County, Iowa
- 1885 New London, Henry County, Iowa
- 1900 Scoville, Hamilton County Nebraska
- 1910 Ansely, Custer County Nebraska
- Some time after 1910 Orlando married Lucinda J. and they
were in Ansley 1920/1930 census.
Kitty Belle [Varah] [1883-1973] and Ross Henry
- Kitty was probably born in Doniphan, parents Thomas and Erissa
were from New York originally.
- Ansley in 1910/20, Berwyn in 1930, children -
- Mildred [1906]
- Leonard M [1909],
- Irma Elizabeth [1914] married Cleon Monroe Moody, the boy
next door.
- Lyle R [1920]
Clara Leota [Welch] and Ernest Alonzo Foster
- Leota [1874 Iowa-1941] daughter of Otis S. and Leota C [Kerington]
Welch, married Lon in April 1896. Uncle "Lon" seems
to have switched his first and middle names some time after 1880,
buried at Ansley NE, with other Foster clan. Leota seems to have
done the same. In the 1900 census there was a cousin living with
them in Ansley, Nina E. Ludlow [1877]. 4 Children -
- Doris M [1902 married Glen Glover],
- Doane C [1902-1963]
- Irene G. [1911 married Randolf Sand], Broken Bow High School
classmate of Marge [Dean] Rockwell
- Ernest A [1913].
- I have a picture postcard addressed to Mrs E. A Foster from
sister Grace writing to her in Berwyn NE. Pictured is a todler
Iris and mentions a Frank that is in kindergarden. The news was
the horses had recovered from disentary flu. Postmark was April
11, 1911 in Nebraska. See footnote.
Ida Jane [Foster] and George E. Porter [1871-1930]
- Ida Jane born in Doniphan NE and graduated high school in
Ansely and Normal School in Broken Bow. Taught at Enid OK and
Ansely and then married George in 1906 who lived at Broken Bow
with 5 stepchildren. Previous wife was May, born 1874 Iowa, parents
Pennsylvania, they were living in Harrison NE in 1900. He was
the Custer County Registrar of Deeds when he died by suicide
in 1930 and Ida took over and held the position for another 25
years as an elected position. In 1910 - 1920 George's mother
Martha S. [1848] lived in the home, she was from Conneticut as
was his dad, Judson C. Porter [1847]. Judsen was an enumerator
in the 1880 Census!
- They had 6 children -
- one boy died in a mishap with horse.
- Adelade E. [1909] (married Edward Betz, Stockton CA),
- Julia [1912] (married Irwin Peterson, Grand Island NE)
- George J. Porter [1913] (Atascadero CA),(married Esther
- Ramona [1916](married William Patacek, Scottsbluff NE)
- Alfred Porter [1918](San Anselmo CA),
- The step children were all born Nebraska
- Stella [1890] was also book-keeper at Registrar of Deeds.
- Dwight I [1892] along with Harry were salesmen for drygoods
in 1910.
- Harry (or Harvey) [1893] (Norfolk NE)
- Doras E. [1895] (married Rupert)
- Helen I [1901] (married Charles L. Williams),
- Roxie Coale (married Frank Pennington, Houston TX) (possibly
this is Stella because no Roxie is ever in the census)
- Ida is especially important because she wrote a living biography
on O. B. and also did a family genealogy in 1930. After the passing
of Adelaide Foster, Ida and Cora took care of O. B. at Broken
Bow NE.
Nancy Bell [Hayse] and William H. Foster
- Nancy [1878-1971] daughter Mary Elizabeth [Orwick] and John
G Hayse of Hancock County, Ohio. Attended school and graduated
Grand Island [NE] Normal School, and along with sister Alice,
taught in Hall County. Married William in May 1900 and lived
at Doniphan. Buried just two days after Ida Porter. They had
6 children including
- Earl V. [1903-1985]
- Charlie H. [1905-1983] lived in Doniphan, married
Mary Goldenstein [1904-1992]
- Anna Fay [1907-1993] married W. Frank Bowden [1892-1954]
- Wayne S [1909-1978] lived in Doniphan
- Cecil B [1913-1916]
- Carl W. [1915-1998] moved to Mt Vernon WA, married Ruth Bradley,
two sons. He served in the Navy during WWII and later was a medical
and x-ray technician.
Lavina C. [1904-2001] and Doane
C Foster
In the 1930 census for Broken Bow NE, children -
- Dorthy [1926] married and moved to Kansas
- Robert D. [1924] worked for Dept of Agriculture in Nebraska.
Esther [Peterson] and George Judson Porter
- Esther [1910 - 2004] married George in 1938 in Broken Bow.
He was reporter for the Custer County Chief newspaper,
and in 1949 became co-owner of the Atascadero [CA] News where
he retired. Children families are
- Christie and Jud Porter;
- Shirley and Jim Porter;
- Cathy and Jack Porter.
Mary [Goldenstein] and Charlie Foster [1905-1983]
- Born in Doniphan, Charlie married in August 1928. He was
an atheletic coach for high school in Clay Center and Ansely,
and in 1945 became football headcoach and atheletic director
for Kearney State College where he retired in 1971. Daughter
Arlene Moore living in Germany.
A photo album was purchased at a yard sale in
Sacramento CA by Barbara Smith. In it were newspaper clippings
of O. B. Foster's Civil War reunion trip to Indiana, the obit
for Mary Wright (wife of Orlando Foster), and the postcard to
Leota. With this information she was able to contact me by email
and later deposited the items with my mom, who also lives in Sacramento.
The pictures are not identified, but were taken in studios in
Vermont, Atlantic IA, and Broken Bow NE. The Vermont pictures
must be Leota's dad and another sister, Ellen.