Carroll Telephone Exchange [Wayne County, Nebraska]
RULES [1936]
1--Call by number only.
2--Positively do not call central during an electrical storm, as you will not be answered.
3--Do not forget to ring off.
4--Do not blame the operator if you are kept waiting as it is the fault of the party called not answering promptly.
5--Subscribers will be held responsible for all toll calls over their phones.
6--To secure good service, answer your calls promptly.
7-- Non--subscribers should go to the booth.
8--Report all troubles to central at once.
9--By order of village fire department, six short rings will be used as a fire alarm signal.
10--All telephone rents and tolls are due the 1st of each month and must be paid by the tenth of each month or there will be an additional charge of 25 cents.
11--Why pay for a telephone and have it used by non-subscribers who impose upon both the paying subscribers and the telephone company?
12--All switching and toll calls for farm lines are due every quarter.
13--Three long rings repeated after a short interval will be used as a general line ring, to summon all to the line at one tune.
14--All phones must cease ringing after 9:30 p. m. until 5:00 a, in. except in case of emergency; during which time the night bell must be attached.
15--We are always glad to answer any emergency calls but ask subcribers to use their telephones after 9:30 until 5:00 unless in cases of emergency.
C. D. HARRAH, Local Manager