Mary [Knicely] and
John Dean Sr [about 1755-1815]
- Mary wed John in Rochingham County Virginia in 1787 after
he had immigrated from England in 1774. They settled in Pendleton
County (West) Virginia in 1798 and were parents to a group of
15 children -
- John Dean Jr [1788], Daniel Dean [1789-1866], Nancy
Dean [1790], George B. Dean [1791], Rebecca Dean [1794], William
Martin Dean Sr [1795], Sarah Dean [1797], Jacob D. Dean [1798],
Elizabeth Dean [1800], Charles Dean [1801],Samuel and Hannah
Dean [twin 1804], James Elias Dean [unk], Barbara Dean [1810]
and Ferdinand Lair Dean [1811]. Daniel and Jacob both moved to
Des Moines County Iowa.
- John Dean was a rather common name in England in the mid-1700s
so it is unlikely that his pedigree can be traced with certainty.
One researcher has John born in Deer Island, New Brunswick, Canada.
And places Mary as his third (of four) wife.
Judith [Cox] [1797] and Jacob D. Dean
- Married in 1819 and moved to Des Moines County Iowa in 1844.
Children -
- Rachel [1820] married Adam C. Shreves
- Lucinda H. [1824] married Samuel Moyers
- George Washington [1825] married Doschean Foster
- unkown male
- Johnson [1826] married Mary Ann Walker
- Elizabeth [1827] married John Myers [1814]
- Silas [1834], married Mary Elizabeth Martin
- Nancy [1841]
Mary and Daniel Dean
- Mary [1789-] was born in Virginia and moved with Daniel to
Des Moines County Iowa in 1844 where he died in 1866. Their children
were Elizabeth Betta Dean, John J. Dean [1809], Silas Dean
[1814-1874], Mary Ann Dean [1818-1889], Hannah Dean, and
Lare Dean [1821- 1893] Lare, while
the youngest must have been well respeced among the siblings
as both Silas and Mary Ann named children for him.
Mary Ann [Dean] and Jonathan Friend.
- Mary Ann married Jonathan Friend in Virginia, and had a boy
Amer in VA, two girls Elizbeth and Edney in Illinois, and two
boys Silas and Lare Dean Friend [1856] in Iowa. They were in
Missouri for the 1880 census about the same time as Lare but
not the same county.
Antinet Frances [Tinney] and Silas Dean
- Antinet [spelled numerous ways in census and other documents]
was born in 1817 and married Silas in 1838 in Pendleton County
(West) VA. Her parents were James Tinney Jr. and Abigail Packard.
Moved in 1844 to Des Moines County IA.
- 1856 IA state census for Des Moines IA
- Silas 42 and Antenett 38 Dean, both born Virginia
- Perry 17, Daniel 15, and Lare 13, all born VA
- James 11, Catherine 5, Lydia 3 and Sarah 1, all born IA
- Daniel 67 and Mary 67 Dean, both born Virginia
- Lare 32 and Sarah 33, both born VA, moved IA
- Elizabeth 11, Albert 9, Mary 7, Hannah 4, and Marget 0 all
born IA
- Jonathan Friend 38 and Mary Ann 36 both born VA move IA in
- Amer 14, born VA
- Elizabeth 11, Edney 9 born IL
- Silas 5, Lare 0 born IA
- Widowed head of household in 1880 census [Silas died in 1874]
and living in Memphis MO with two daughters, Harriet [1857 Iowa]
and Carrie [1866 MO]. And next door to a Hulinda [30] and Perry
Dean [40] daughter Nellie [8]. Perry and Daniel both served in
the Missouri 21st Infantry Regiment Company I. Silas' son Lare
left Memphis and moved to Smith County Kansas, after the Civil
War. Antinet stayed in Memphis and died in 1902.